Hogan Assessment

Predict performance

the most scientific, well-respected, & rigorously validated leadership assessment.

The Hogan is grounded in decades of research and used by Fortune companies such as Google, AT&T, IBM, GE, and Hewlett-Packard.

It measure three areas:

  • Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

    Predicts performance, operating style, and interaction style by measuring the “bright side” of a leader’s strengths.

  • Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

    Detects career-derailing behaviors that interfere with team-building by measuring the “dark side” of personality under stress.

  • Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)

    Defines a leader’s motivators and how s/he creates a work environment and rewards people.

This is a very insightful and intricate assessment. Your coach must be certified to deliver the results via a debrief.