Benefits of Coaching

Benefits of Coaching


You are tenacious, decisive, and mission-driven bad asses, and so are we.

Transitioning from a lifetime of public or military service to the civilian work force is unsettling and akin to learning a new language.

We take the guesswork and uncertainty out of your transition by helping you:

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  • pinpoint and target the right career path

  • eliminate communication & terminology gaps

  • write your resume, LinkedIn profile, bio, and other docs

  • teach you about the hidden job market and how to conduct a civilian search

Only have few questions? No problem. You can also hire a coach for a one-hour session.

My coach’s concern and personal attention were invaluable. Everyone wants to say they support the military, but few do. It is rare and awesome to find someone so talented and dedicated to transitioning military vets.
— K.F., Ret. Navy Special Ops